Category Archives: Reviews for Swimming in the Rainbow

Reviews for Swimming in the Rainbow

Image: andreiuc88 Shutterstock

Here are some reviews Swimming in the Rainbow has garnered from readers:

“The writing here is dreamily beautiful; I am reminded of Patricia A McKillip’s marvelous book The Forgotten Beasts of Eld.”      Miz Ellen

Swimming in the Rainbow is poetic prose at its best.”      Elise Abram

“Rebecca Lochlann’s Swimming in the Rainbow is among the most beautifully written novels I’ve ever encountered. The content lives up to the magic of the name.”      Dora McAlpin

“The lively imagination and intelligence of the girl with a backdrop to the darker events around her reminded me of the deliciously dark tale of Pan’s Labyrinth.”         Jarucia Jaycox Nirula

“This is so wonderful I’ll have very little to say about it, I’m afraid. It reminds me of Cornelia Funke, but darker and more mature. Unconventional, sure, but organically unusual, not contrived to impress or shock. I can’t pick out anything to praise in particular, because it’s all praiseworthy. Truly original ideas, beautifully executed. Some readers might not get it, but those who do will treasure the experience. Five stars, unreservedly.”      Leah Davidson

“What appears to be an effortless flow of detail, imagery, and pathos captivated me from the start. Engaged by the author’s romantic writing, lyrical flow, and emotionally-packed action, I was brought in close to the empathetic characters and primed for the tragic loss, which I felt intensely. I was hypnotized by the writing. Here, the author describes the moons: “How shyly our heavenly orbs moved, like two bright and wonderful girls chasing each other, believing themselves hidden, but, drifting behind the trees as they did, they merely accentuated their presence.” How desperate the last scene, how tragic the loss of a dear friend. “I felt that Teófilo himself caused the wind to flutter those yellow leaves in farewell.” The sadness lingers even after the excerpt is done. Bravo!”   Ann Keeling